
○本間 雅都1)齋藤 敏雄1)

1) 日本大学

Abstract 今日では、ICTの急速な発展、成熟社会における消費者ニーズの多様化、そしてグローバル化の進展など、組織を取り巻く環境は一層複雑化している。このような環境の変化に適応して組織が生存、発展するためには、継続的な知識創造が不可欠である。
Today's organizations are facing rapidly changing and complicate environments such as rapid development of ICT, diversification of consumer's need, and globalization. Knowledge creation is essence for organizations to adapt to these environments.
In this paper we formulate the expert group working for creating knowledge as a ecological system model and consider the effect of both expert's characteristic and the relationship among experts on knowledge creation inside organizations using agent-based simulation.
Keywords 知識創造,生態系,エージェントベースモデル
Knowledge creation,Ecosystem,Agent-based model
Copyright 2014 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.