
○森下 桂嗣1)増田 靖1)

1) 光産業創生大学院大学

Abstract 研究開発型企業では研究開発は成長を左右する重要な位置づけにあり、多くのシーズが生まれるが、このシーズをニーズと融合させ、売れる製品を開発するマーケティングプロセスに課題がある。


R&D is important for R&D-oriented companies to continue to grow. They constantly produce many seeds, but they have the problem of marketing process that combines seeds with needs to develop the products in great demand.

In this research, in order to solve this question, we considered the possibility of new entry into medical equipment industry by interactive marketing based on the seeds produced in the company. Concretely, we utilized business model canvas which has high reputation in construction of the business model and practiced hypothesis testing of the business model (new technology) which can realize differentiation with competition technologies.

In particular, the new technique of emergent storytelling was adopted as a tool of hypothesis testing in interactive marketing.
Keywords 対話型マーケティング,創発的ストーリーテリング,ビジネスモデルキャンバス
interactive marketing,emergent storytelling,business model canvas
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