
○淀川 高喜1)平野 雅章2)

1) 野村総合研究所
2) 早稲田大学

Abstract ITの有効活用に関する企業の意識が高まるにつれて、ITマネジメントの標準フレームワークであるCOBITも企業に認知されてきた。COBITは、事業価値を生み出すIT活用のためのITマネジメントのフレームワークであり、最新版であるCOBIT5が2012年に公開された。
IT is used in various activities of business, and a lot of companies become conscious of IT effectiveness. COBIT as a global standard of IT management is known widely among the companies. COBIT is a framework of IT management for IT utilization which creates Business Value. The newest Version COBIT5 was published in 2012.
The purpose of this research is to show the way of using COBIT5 as an effective guideline in order to establish suitable IT management for each organization. Corresponding to COBIT5 process, this research shows the differences of focus of IT management, objectives of IT management, and critical factors of IT management according to IT Role for each organization, and examines these differences by the survey of Japanese large companies.
Keywords COBIT5,ITマネジメント,ITの役割
COBIT5,IT Management,IT Role
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