
○吉田 博一1)

1) 大阪府

Abstract  欧米で取り組まれているオープンガバメントは、透明性、住民参加、政府間及び官民の連携・協業の三原則で進められている。日本では、透明性にあたる行政データの民間開放(オープンデータ)のみに留まっているのが現状である。
In Europe and the United States, Open Government is executing by the three principles of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. In Japan, Only transparency, i.e.; Government data opened to the private sector (open data) is established at several central and local Governments.
Collaboration can create big innovative governments in the three principles. In the United States, etc., Open 311, which is the Internet communication tool for issues that the concern public space and services, is instead by the non-emergency phone call 311 systems, and Citizens can take that data, develop, and provide application used to that data. I consider the possibility of collaboration in Japan and the experiment in Chiba City.
Keywords オープンガバメント,Open311,電子自治体
Open Government,Open311,e-Local Government
Copyright 2014 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.