
○北島 啓嗣1)

1) 福井県立大学

Abstract 本発表は、地方に立地するBtoB企業が、需要地との距離その他の不利を情報通信技術によって克服し、むしろ有利に展開している事例を分析する。地方に立地する
This announcement is about the B to B company located in rural areas.
The district company is disadvantageous.
They are separated with the demand place.
However, many of secret information companies with the company which has conquered the disadvantage by information and communication technology have taken the strategy of obtaining a competitive advantage by the lowness of cost.
However, there is a flow of globalization.
It receives and there is also a company which takes a niche strategy with a small number and fights.
This is fought by the Internet.
In this announcement, it analyzes through the example of Fukui Prefecture.
Keywords 情報通信技術,福井県,ニッチ
information and communication technology,fukui Prefecture,niche strategy
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