
○小畑 智大1)

1) 会計検査院

Abstract 災害が多い我が国では、地震・津波対策、風水害対策等、様々な災害対策が実施され、防災・減災を目的とした数多くの情報インフラが整備されている。
Affected by natural disasters, Japan has been implementing various anti-disaster measures including those against earthquakes, tsunamis, storms and floods. In consequence Japan is equipped with a large number of information infrastructures which target disaster prevention and mitigation.
However, such information infrastructures seemed to have been insufficient to ensure that disaster-related information is gathered and reaches to the citizens.
This study provides a survey of audit findings reported by Board of Audit of Japan which treated information infrastructures for disaster prevention and mitigation, and considers problems of such infrastructures.
Keywords 政府,情報システム,災害
Government,Information system,disaster
Copyright 2014 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.