
○小笠原 泰1)重久 朋子2)

1) 明治大学
2) 株式会社 アルム

Abstract 1990年代中頃に始まる初期のインターネット社会では、その受容は、年代に関わらず、国民に共通の環境変化であったと言える。しかし、インターネットがモバイル機器と融合する過程でSNSが次々と登場しラインのように若い年代を中心に急速な支持を得ている。
Rapid development of SNS available on mobile devices connected to Internet evokes arguments on information ethics among societies in contemporary Japan.
Given the rapid development, different age groups do not share the same SNS. Instead they use a different SNS depending on their ages. Each SNS has different service design and appealing attribute. This may have each age group fostered a different viewpoint about information ethics. If this hypothesis is right, it is difficult to foster and share the same information ethics across age groups, i.e., society. This paper is designed to verify whether this hypothesis is right by assessing how different each SNS is in terms of popularity across age groups as well as service design and appealing attribute.
Keywords 情報倫理,SNS,情報社会
information ethics,SNS,information society