
○遠藤 正之1)

1) 静岡大学

Abstract 社会インフラとして重要性を増す我が国金融機関の情報システム(金融情報システム)に関して、競争優位を実現するには、リスクマネジメント戦略の6観点が重要である。6観点とは、経営トップのコミットメントと支援、組織体制とITガバナンス、ITリスクマネジメント、拡張性一貫性確保、要件定義最適化、品質重視の仕組構築である。

Six viewpoints about the risk management strategy are important to realize competition predominance about information systems of Japanese financial institutions (financial information systems) adding to importance as social infrastructure. Six viewpoints are commitment and support of the top management, the organizational system and governance for IT, IT risk management, securing of extensibility consistency, definition of requirements optimization, quality-oriented systems.

On the other hand, for financial institutions and their customers, a lot of threats to the information security such as the cyber attack and the information leakage occur these days. They become the risk management problem of the top management level.
In this report, I consider the relations with 6 points of view of the risk management strategy about threats to the information security.
Keywords 金融情報システム,情報セキュリティ,リスクマネジメント戦略の6観点
Financial information systems,Information security,Six viewpoints about the risk management strategy