
○任 詩文1)川村 大伸1)

1) 筑波大学

Abstract 要旨:近年、Vargo and Luschが提唱した「サービス・ドミナント・ロジック」が脚光を浴びている。「サービス・ドミナント・ロジック」とは,サービスを顧客との価値共創と捉え,サービスこそが経済・企業活動の中心にあり,モノは,サービスの価値共創手段の一部と考えるマーケティングの新たな世界観である。

In recent years, following the theory of Service-Dominant Logic by Vargo and Lusch, studies about this new marketing theory have been discussed. Different from goods marketing, Service-Dominant Logic focus on service and thinks it as the value co-creation with customers. According to Service-Dominant Logic, Service is viewed as the heart of economics and business activities, and goods are viewed only as practices and procedures of a part of value co-creation.
Our subject for study is YOSHIKEI Group, a dinner food delivery company in Japan. This paper tried to find out the factors effecting value co-creation and its process through both qualitative analysis and questionnaire survey.
Keywords 価値共創,因子分析,サービス・ドミナント・ロジック
value co-creation,factor analysis,service-dominant logic