
○窪田 龍吾1)水野 信也2)藤澤 由和3)

1) 静岡産業技術専門学校
2) 静岡理工科大学
3) 静岡県立大学

Abstract ソーシャルキャピタルは幅広い概念を持っており,解析手法も多岐に渡っている.
A social capital has a wide concept.
There are also various the analysis methods.
Therefore there are no established analysis methods and expressions in a social capital.
So, we need to prepare the method of analysis for each purpose.
Our research purpose is that we generalize the analysis foundation and an expression for a social capital and to be able to use the foundation for an analysis of a lot of social capitals.
Specifically, we propose what we should use the data about the area analysis unit, information infrastructure of a questionnaire and API of a statistical analysis method.
For a questionnaire, using such analysis foundation, the expression technique of the social capital is proposed.
Keywords ソーシャルキャピタル,地域分析,情報基盤
Social Capital,Region analysis,Information Infrastructure