
○吉田 博一1)

1) 大阪府

Abstract 住民基本台帳ネットワークに接続される基幹系システム群は,LGWANと接続せずに運用する団体が多かった.しかし,マイナンバー制度の運用に伴い,基幹系システム群は個人番号に紐づく特定個人情報を提供や照会するためLGWAN上に設置する中間サーバと接続するようになる.
Many local governments operate mission-critical systems on the Basic Resident Registration network, and these systems are not connected with Local Government Wide Area Network (LGWAN) .
However mission-critical systems in local governments will be connected with the Information Interchange Server for Local authorities on LGWAN in order to share personal information associated with the number after introduction of National identification number .
These mechanisms are similar with Electronic Commerce(EC) system which share product information from mission-critical systems with EC infrastructure. In this study, the possibility of Local governments information system applied by EC system architecture is argued to change open data mechanism etc.
Keywords マイナンバー,オープンデータ,電子商取引
National identification number,Open Data,Electronic Commerce