



○山口 淳1)

1) 東京工科大学

Abstract ペットのトリミングサービスの需要増大に伴い,トリマーの作業負荷は大きくなり,業界全体で効率化,高付加価値化が課題となっている.そのような中,大手ペットサロンX社では,店舗のレイアウトが作業のしやすさや店舗の収益性へ影響しているのではないかという仮説を持つに至っている.
Along with the expansion in demand for grooming shop, groomers come up against increasing in work load. Therefore, high value-added and more efficiency are required in the grooming shop industry as a whole. With that kind of background, one hypothesis that the shop layout has a significant influence on workability of groomers and the shop's profitability was generated in a major Japanese grooming shop (named X company).
The purpose of this paper is to confirm the validity of this hypothesis. More concretely, X company's two grooming shops, which were regarded as to be contrastive in work efficiency, were selected as the subject and time study was conducted. In addition, this paper analyzed impacts that shop layout influenced on work hours.
Keywords 店舗レイアウト,ペットのトリミング作業,作業効率
shop layout,grooming operation,work efficiency