



○松下 直弘1)高橋 真吾1)

1) 早稲田大学大学院創造理工学研究科経営システム工学専攻

Abstract  リーダーシップは企業組織等を対象に様々な研究が行われているが、リーダーシップをフォロワーに対して認知させる施策については述べられていない。<BR>
Researches on leadership for corporate organizations have been not found and others, but measures to make leadership perceive to followers are not mentioned.

The purpose of this research is to create a model that can evaluate the recognition of leadership to build measures to recognize leadership. There are four types of leadership: instruction, empower, exchange, transformation. Of these, the transformation type and the exchange type are formalized in the Principal Agency model that generally shows the relationship between the leader and the follower of the conventional research, while the indication type and the empower type are not formalized. Modeling those two types of leadership is required to comprehensively evaluate leadership. Our final goal is to create a unified model that integrates four types of models.
Keywords リーダーシップ,組織論,エージェンシー理論
Leadership,Organization theory,Agency theory