



○寺嶋 一将1)植竹 俊文1)竹野 健夫1)

1) 岩手県立大学大学院

Abstract  近年,地域の歴史や文化を後世へと継承させようという意識が全国各地で高まっており,岩手県花巻市の郷土史研究団体『ふるさと遺産研究所』では,郷土の歴史や文化の継承を目的としてデジタルアーカイブを構築している.そこでは,歴史や文化を地域住民に対して取材調査で収集し,取材で得られた口述記録を『聞き書き』の形に編集したうえで蓄積し,一般向けに公開している.
Interest in regional history and culture succession is growing throughout the country in recent years. Regional history research association in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture named “Furusato Isan Research Laboratory" is building a digital archive for the purpose of inheriting the history and culture of the local area. This association is interviewing citizens about history and culture. The dictation record obtained by the interview is accumulated and released after edit into “Kikigaki".
We developed "Organize and Presentation System of Kikigaki". This system organizes "Kikigaki" based on field research methodology. In this research, we introduce the activity of collecting cultural resources in cooperation with the local community, conducted jointly with the institute. After that, we report validations and evaluations about developed system.
Keywords デジタルアーカイブ,地域,文化
digital archive,local community,culture