


○加藤 拓巳1)津田 和彦1)

1) 筑波大学


Product design is the source of competitiveness that contributes to purchase intentions, word of mouth, payment intention. In the automobile industry, design has been regarded as important. In the design evaluation, companies often carry out Central Location Test. So, it is necessary to transport cars and prepare a venue of the scale capable of exhibiting multiple cars. In order to introduce each product globally, surveys overseas are also necessary, which places a heavy burden on companies. Therefore, VR is thought to be beneficial, but the influence on purchase intention is not sufficiently clarified. In this research, we evaluated the influence from the perception and the viewing behaviors for the purchase intention, then grasped the conditions for practical use of VR.
Virtual Reality,デザイン工学,顧客行動

Virtual Reality,Design Engineering,Customer behavior