1) 株式会社リクルート住まいカンパニー
- Abstract
1) 主観的幸福度に対する仕事満足度の影響は比較的小さく、住まいの満足度・家族関係の満足度等が大きな影響を与えている。
2) 仕事満足度に対する労働時間の影響は比較的小さく、労働環境への安心感や自公成長感が大きな影響を及ぼしている。
I will report the effect that work hours have on job satisfaction and subjective happiness based on a survey conducted among 10,000 respondents in the Tokyo Metropolitan area.The analysis results are as follows.The effect of job satisfaction on subjective happiness is relatively small while the satisfaction with the residence, satisfaction with family relations, etc. have large effects.The effect of work hours on job satisfaction is relatively small while the sense of security toward the work environment and the sense of self-growth have large effects.It is strongly suggested that the reforms on the way of work at corporations need to include initiatives such as increasing the understanding of the human relationship at workplace and the jobs themselves. - Keywords
Work Hours,Job Satisfaction,Happiness