


○外所 伸崇1,2)鈴木 康之2)

1) 積水ハウス株式会社
2) 静岡大学大学院


We provide “Complete Production by Residence" for needs of customers.Therefore, there is a demand for production of various types of housing materials.To achieve this, efficient and lean production is necessary.There are various types of information such as processing information on housing materials, production process equipment and surrounding environment information, but it was a problem that they could not be analyzed or used.Using various information, we established a model formula for productivity evaluation in housing materials, and aimed to build a production management system that implemented the model formula.From the regression equation of multiple regression analysis, the factors that bring about results in productivity improvement were clarified.This report is an example of efforts to improve productivity by building and implementing models using information and analysis.

Complete Production by Residence,Multiple regression analysis,Productivity improvement