
近藤 史人1)

1) 株式会社第一コンピュータリソース

Abstract BABOKが経営とITを繋ぐ懸け橋として注目を浴びている。しかし、BABOKは知識体系であり、実務では具体的な方法論が必要だ。某製造業のグローバルSCMの最適化プロジェクトにおいて、システム思考とシステムダイナミックスを用いてビジネスアナリシスを行った。
BABOK is paid attention as a liaison between Business and IT. However, BABOK is a knowledge framework; we have to provide concrete methodology upon practice. Here I will introduce my experience from the global SCM project of a manufacturing industry where conducted business analysis based on Systems Thinking, and System Dynamics.
I calculate the total amount of cost which is the cost of inventory and the cost of opportunity loss, then I tried to find a safety stock level where a total amount of cost becomes a minimum.
As a result, the current business structure has the essential problem of NPV becoming to shrink but will grow, by installing the proposed solution. This paper will discuss the case in more detail.
Keywords BABOK,システム思考,システムダイナミックス
BABOK,Systems Thinking,System Dynamics
Copyright 2013 @ The Japan Society for Management Infomation.