
○中邨 良樹1)濱田 友紀子1)

1) 青山学院大学

Abstract 近年,社会貢献という利益に直結しない企業活動が,企業の成長には欠かせない.それを社会的責任(CSR:Corporate Social Responsibility)とされるこのCSR活動が企業に取って売上・利益につながるならば,それをやる意義を見出せるのではないかと思われる.
Recently, a corporate social responsibility is an important issue, even if it is not directly making sales and profits. If the companies know CSR activities leads to sales and profits, they realize the importance to do the CSR activities.
The purpose of this study is clear the relationship between the CSR and normal sales activities. To reach the goals, a hypothesis forms that if consumers know the CSR activities, it must be linked to the consumer purchasing activities. Therefore, a questionnaire will execute and study the consumer's views. Through the outputs of the questionnaire, it must be clear the meaning of the CSR activities for the companies.
Keywords 社会貢献活動,マーケティング,データ分析
CSR,Marketing,Data analysis