
○吉田 博一1)

1) 大阪府

Abstract マイナンバー制度の運用に伴い,全国自治体のシステムが中間サーバを経由してつながり,情報交換が可能となる.この仕組みは,電子商取引(EC)システムに類似したものになる.
National identification number systems operation lead which information exchange is possible by nationwide local government systems via the intermediate server connection. These mechanisms are similar with Electronic Commerce(EC) system.
Since the Japan pension organization occurred on personal information leakage incidents at May,2015, National identification number Network and Local Government Wide Area Network (LGWAN) , the Internet will become independence in the Local Governments as the .Enhanced Security Response. Therefore files transfer between each network become impossible.
In this study, based on the such situation, we argue the possibility by EC Systems and Optimal Local Governments" information system architecture.
Keywords マイナンバー,電子商取引,セキュリティ対策
National identification number,Electronic Commerce,Security Response